Post by RubberUgly on Dec 1, 2013 1:07:43 GMT -8
Digitally, I mean! I was bored so I decided to poorly recreate a PVC Animal in the Frankenstein fashion from photos of my Uglies. In the 1960s, all it took was some scissors and glue to create a new Toy line in Hong Kong! Hopefully someone will join in on the fun, & maybe even create a new animal or two. (For the real PVC Animal the left Joel tentacle was straightened at the tip, and the Florence right hind leg was either a left hind leg relocated to to other side or an upside-down right hind leg for the mold. The left hind leg is a normal florence left middle leg)
Post by Astronit on Dec 1, 2013 5:29:44 GMT -8
Cool idea. I'll have a go at it.