Post by hilariah on Apr 24, 2015 7:09:08 GMT -8
How good do jigglers hold up in extreme temps? Will a jiggler melt when exposed to direct sun in the summer? Anyone have experience with this?
Nickel Candy
Posts: 8
Post by James on Aug 2, 2016 8:31:08 GMT -8
How good do jigglers hold up in extreme temps? Will a jiggler melt when exposed to direct sun in the summer? Anyone have experience with this?
A knock off Margaret I had when 6 was recently found at my parents house. It was once a strong orange but is now translucent with no hint of colour... the effect of sunlight after it was left on a shelf for decades near a window.
I would say sunlight is the enemy, fine to view them but then put them back in the dark afterwards! A cabinet with glass front away from direct sunlight should be ok though.